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Teacher Resources

Schedule a Library Session

Students working in the library, aerial view

If you'd like to book a session for your students to work with the librarians, please fill out our Library Visit Form to tell us more about what you need. (For after school events please fill out the form below, under "After Hours")


Remember that we need at least one week of advanced notice to make an appointment. Please also remember that this visit is not confirmed until it is in the library calendar and a librarian has confirmed with you in email or in person.

What Does the Library Offer?

Librarian teaching a class of high school students

Library Teaching and Coteaching

We would love to customize lessons to support your curriculum. Here are some examples:


  • Find books and ebooks in the BTHS catalog.  

  • Find scholarly articles (database and web search strategies). This works best in two 45 minute sessions.

  • Evaluate web resources.

  • Access public library resources - books and databases (+ fine free library cards).

  • Note-taking methods and tips.

  • Cite sources, including using online tools to create and store citations.

  • Create an annotated bibliography.

  • Locate and analyze primary source documents.


Examples of other workshops (we are open to new ideas!):

  • News literacy workshops, guiding students to evaluate information and read critically.

  • Find and use copyright free media.

  • Work with teachers to plan special project, contests or events (see our Open Letter Winners video below)

Librarian Collaboration

After Hours

We are happy for the library to serve our community's needs after hours.


If you are planning an event with more than 35 people in attendance, and would like to explore the possibility of using the library, please have your club advisor fill out the form created by the COSA team. Please also check the library calendar in advance to avoid conflicts.

Resource Curation

Resources can be posted online or shared with you.


  • Books (a reference list in your online classroom or books on reserve either on a cart in the library or in your classroom).

  • Targeted databases or specific articles.

  • E-tools, like Nearpod, Peardeck, Kami, etc.

  • Useful websites based on an upcoming unit of study.

Support Individual or Groups of Students

  • Librarians can help match students with books for study/interest.

  • We work with students to provide targeted research support.

Collection Suggestions

Please recommend resources to us! (books, useful tech tools or websites, etc.)


We can't promise that we will be able to purchase everything suggested, but we will consider each resource carefully. 


Book and Material Requests

Additional Teacher Resources

New York Times Access

Access New York Times articles through the Gale Databases Direct Search. Search the title or author of the article to view full-text articles of the NY Times (no images).


Sign up for MyLibraryNYC! Learn how to get a public library educator card that works for both NYPL & BPL, borrow teacher class sets and have them delivered to Tech, and gain access to professional development offerings & exclusive programming.


Public Library Educator Cards Instructions

Public Library Educator Cards

Student reading the New York Times in Br

Currently Reading Signs

As a way to deepen our community identity as readers, we've created signs for teachers to display outside their classrooms. For anyone interested, let us know and we can print a personalized and laminated sign with your name, so that you can update it with a dry erase marker.


Request one with this CURRENTLY READING SIGN REQUEST FORM or email us at to learn more.

Name Pronunciation & Phonetic Name Spelling Guide

Our hope is that this guide will serve as a resource for promoting positivity, respect and empowerment when it comes to saying our names and learning how to pronounce correctly the names of fellow students, teachers and school staff. 

Join us by creating your own name badge!


Here's the link to the guide:   

Curriculum Support

We love to help teachers add a research component to their courses or plan interactive and creative assessments and student products, especially using media tools. Please reach out if you'd like to explore some idea or collaborate to add some new energy into a unit or project!


Here's an example of a differentiated science project where we collaborated with awesome Tech teacher, Mr. Gerraputa: Moon Missions Assignment Menu.

The three librarians chatting

9th Grade Orientation

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